The Harvest (audio drama)
The Harvest is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It introduces new companion Hex. It was retroactively made the final part of a trilogy with The Reaping and The Gathering, with all three sporting similar designs for their covers.
2021. Thomas Hector Schofield (or "Hex" as he prefers to be called) is a nurse at St Gart's Hospital, where things are getting a little strange. The new hire, an attractive girl who insists on being called "McShane", is asking too many questions, and unexplained deaths are happening. What exactly is the mysterious C-Programme… and why does McShane seem to be living in a police box in Totter's Lane?
- The discovery that The Doctor makes about Hex while reading through the hospital files is revealed in Thicker Than Water.
- The alien technology is this story came from America, via Australia, at the end of The Gathering.
- Hex finally returns to St Gart's a few years later in Project Destiny.
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